This page was designed for executives over Talent Acquisition and Staffing/Recruiting firms.  We are a USA Air Force veteran owned company!

Our business model is to eliminate offshore RPOs and replace them with a method that helps companies in USA hire people directly in the Dominican Republic as Nearshore/lower cost recruiting staff.

Having people work for you directly is always better than renting people from other companies!

Our American company owns a HR/payroll corporation in the Dominican Republic only 2 hours from Miami.

You can use our Dominican company to recruit, hire and payroll college educated English/Spanish speaking people in the DR to work as YOUR remote & lower cost recruiting staff.

The people we set up with your company are "Permanent Contractors" who fit into your company same as normal employees yet IRS rules regarding long term contractors do not apply.

IRS rules for long term contractors only apply to American citizens, not to people working through an HR/payroll company from another country.

This means no taxes, no employee related legal risks and no employee overhead costs = 50% to 75% less than hiring comparable people in the mainland USA.

With Zoom or Teams people can work from anywhere and communicate same as sitting next to you!

Be it 1 person or build a team, you can use our Dominican HR company to help you build a nearshore & lower cost recruiting support operation in the where you have 100% control over the people.

You can easily fly to the DR to spend time with your team, only 2 hours from Miami!

English is excellent ( and Spanish which is becoming more important so bilingual is valuable ) and the people are American/Dominicans right here in America's backyard!

Let's use Samantha as a sample person in the Dominican Republic who we can set up to work as a remote/lower cost member of your recruiting team.

A -  We likely recruited Samantha out of an American call center company in the DR to interview with you. A sad reality is many people go to college in countries like the DR only to realize the jobs do not exist.

College grads often end up working for American call centers in jobs such as customer support, sales support, back-office support etc.

These jobs are a great foundation to cross-train over to recruiting.

In this example Samantha is college educated, bilingual English & Spanish and is culturally American. You interviewed and selected Sam which gives us the green light to hire her on your behalf.

HUGE!  You and we together are creating a better job for Samantha so we are improving her life while the cost to your company can be 50% to 75% less than if you hired Samantha as an employee at your USA location. This fac shows you where the loyalty, quality and longevity comes from which does not happen when renting staff from RPOs or Call Centers!

We provide computer, high speed internet and local supervisor who partners with you.

2 - You have full control over Samantha same as a normal employee while on paper she is legally employed by our Dominican HR/payroll company and works for you as a permanent contractor.

To clarify, because IRS rules do not apply to Samantha in the DR she can work 20 years for you and build a full career with your company fitting in as a loyal employee while on paper is a permanent contractor.

You do not pay any payroll tax, no legal employment risk = no lawsuits, no cost for health or other insurance, no cost to recruit, hire and payroll, no cost for computers or internet and none of the overhead costs that come with normal employees at your USA location.

We FRONT the Money to cover monthly payroll. Your company reimburses ours the next month!

Recruiter Training: While Samantha onboards with your company as a recruiter/sourcer trainee she studies our internal recruiter training. This is 40 videos that teach use of LinkedIn, Boolean, use of job boards and is a very good A to Z recruiter bootcamp training.

You can perceive our recruiter training to be comparable to a college semester recruiting course and as a foundation for your recruiting leadership to take over and train up the rest of the way to work and recruit Your Way!

3 - Samantha can use remote access to work from your company computer system and with video call such as Zoom or Teams you can see and talk to her Live same as if she is sitting next to you!

Over the past 2 years we set up over 100 people from the Dominican Republic to work as remote & lower cost recruiting staff with companies in the USA.

Examples are recruiter trainees, candidate sourcers, recruiting assistants and CLONES of USA based recruiters. And,  backoffice staff such as new hire onboarding, payroll, etc.

Maybe Samantha's lower cost enables you to get the help you need but cannot afford in the mainland USA.

Maybe you like the idea of affording 2 to 3 people like Samantha for the cost of 1 local recruiting team member in USA.

Another perception is when the USA economy slows you do not have to layoff a person like Samantha. Due to her lower cost you may not need to lay off as there is always something she can do. With a remote & lower cost team member like Samantha you do not lose all the time, money, training and company knowledge that is lost each time the USA economy slows and expensive USA based recruiters are laid off.

Keith Harper (CEO of A & B Talent) replaced recruiters from an offshore RPO in India with people we set up from the DR. Keith now has 25+ people on his Dominican team working as recruiters, sourcers and even handling his payrolling, employee onboarding and back-office support.

At the time we created this home page, Keith flew to the DR with his USA managers and took his Dominican team members to a beach resort for a company retreat.  He thinks of his DR team as his employees, not as rented staff from an RPO and this true story helps you better understand our business model.

There are 2 Youtube videos below. The video on left shows Nicole explaining a short summary. Nicole works remote from the DR as a recruiter/sourcer for a company in New York.

The video on right shows Nicole explaining a detailed presentation.