The video shows several people from the Dominican Republic who we have assigned as recruiting staff with companies in the USA. Our company owner took them out to a Christmas dinner. Each person is saying Hi to the executives at the American companies they work for.

This video gives you a good sample of the English ability, personalities etc. Imagine these people working for you!

Pricing:   It is important to remember this is not an offshore RPO rent-a-recruiter service. We are recruiting a person/people in the Dominican Republic to work for you same as an employee while we are the payroll provider and legal employer.

This is the same as your hiring people in the USA through an HR/payroll company such as ADP or Paychex. The people work for your company same as if they are legal employees yet in reality are legally employed by our Dominican HR company. This is very different from renting people from offshore call centers or RPOs.

The correct perception is to compare the cost of your Dominican recruiting team member to employing a comparable person in your city including the normal overhead that is on top of employee salary so the cost comparison is accurate.

1 - You get the person who is the primary value. They are college educated, bilingual English & Spanish and have good work experience such as customer support, sales or technical support. This is the baseline value.

2 - We provide computer and high speed internet and can suggest USA phone options.

3 - We front the money to cover payroll and handle the legalities.

4 - Our Dominican team leader will partner with you to help supervise the person/people we set up to work for you.

5 -We provide the recruiter video training library. This is is 40 videos that teach use of LinkedIn, Boolean search, use of job boards, resume databases, direct hire versus contract and much more. This training covers everything from job creation all the way through recruiting a person who is hired.

6 - Our Dominican company invests in non-stop recruiting to maintain an inventory of good people to serve as replacements or new hires should you want to grow a team.

7 - Built into this cost is our American company owner who travels to DR and spends time performing hands on training and we conduct our own internal recruiter training throughout each month. Our training does not replace yours, we simply add value by providing continued recruiter training.

You receive all of this as a package for a cost that can be 50%  to 75% less than your employing a comparable person in your city!

There is no long term risky contract and each month we FRONT the money to cover payroll. Just like when hiring a normal employee, you go into the relationship wanting long term success yet can terminate or cancel at any time.

Using July as a sample month, end of June our American company wires money to our Dominican company to fund payroll for July. In August, when your company pays the July invoice, your company is reimbursing ours for fronting the money to cover payroll.

Raises, vacation, sick and vacation days, bonuses etc:  You can create your own policy same as if you hired a person as an employee but through a payroll company like ADP.

Most American companies offer PTO such as American holidays, sick days and after 1 year of good work some vacation time.

If you create a bonus plan or offer a raise, we never take a cut or percentage of these rewards. We front the money and pass the raise or bonus through to your Dominican team member.

The correct philosophy is that your company benefits from the lower cost while together you and we are creating a better job for your Dominican staff than they otherwise can get in the DR.

This is how and why these people can be very loyal and want to work for your company as long as possible, even build full careers with your company while we fit in the middle as the legal payroll provider.