You can use your Dominican team member any way you want. On this page we will share ideas.

When the economy is strong companies scramble to hire USA recruiting staff. The salaries go up yet turnover is always a problem. 

When the economy slows companies lay off experienced USA recruiters and all the training and company experience is lost.

When the economy warms back up companies scramble to rebuild recruiting and same thing happens over and over.

If you invest in developing your Dominican/lower cost recruiting staff when the economy slows you likely can afford to keep your DR staff. This means you do not lose the time, money and company experience.

In fact, the best time to build candidate pipelines and connections to support future hiring plans is during an economic slow period.

Another reality is in the USA many "experienced recruiters are not as good as they sell themselves during interviews. They want a lot of money but many times do not turn out to be so good.

The 80/20 rule is very real. 80% of results come from the best 20% recruiters. This means in the USA, 8 out of 10 experienced recruiters know what to say during interviews to get hired but do not turn out to be good. You can notice this by searching recruiters on LinkedIn and noticing 80% last 1 to 2 years per job.

75% of recruiting is the time consuming searching of job boards, LinkedIn, handling job posting applicants, screening and scheduling candidates for interview. Only 25% requires higher level skills such as negotiating offers between a hiring manager & candidate.

This is all trainable!  Building and training recruiting staff to work and do things YOUR WAY is always a much better long term strategy than hiring supposedly experienced recruiters or renting recruiting staff from offshore RPOs.

1 - Traditional Candidate Sourcing:  Another term could be assistant recruiter. Your recruiting leader sends job descriptions to your Dominican team member and brainstorms the best searches, shows what to look for and creates a recruiting plan.

Your Dominican team member works the recruiting plan, finds, contacts and phone screens candidates and sets them up on a USA recruiter or recruiting leader's calendar to take over.

2 - Recruiter Clone Concept combined with Sourcing:  Imagine you are a USA based recruiter. Your time is split between candidates you already have in process and sourcing more candidates with resources such as Indeed, Monster, resume databases, LinkedIn etc.

Active Candidates already in process-----You as the Recruiter------ Indeed, Monster, LinkedIn etc

               50% of a day                                                                                50% of a day or 2 to 3 hours

To clarify this visual, on a normal day a USA recruiter spends 50% or more of their time working with candidates they already have in process. Examples are interviews, offers etc.  This leaves the USA recruiter with only 2 to 3 hours per day to use ONE of the candidate sourcing tools that your company pays for.

Most companies pay for multiple resources such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster and others. The point is on a normal day a USA recruiter has only 2 to 3 hours to use a resource such as LinkedIn or Indeed while both can be used 24/7.

When explained like this, you can see a USA recruiter is torn between time with candidates they already have in process and time sourcing more candidates. This is like having 2 different jobs! And, this visual shows how grossly under-used the candidates sourcing tools are at most companies.

Imagine Gloria is hired to be your Dominican recruiting assistant/sourcer. You could have a spare laptop on your desk that Gloria remotes into or a VPN.

You design your own searches and outbound messages. Gloria remotely logs into your various candidate sourcing tools and helps you double your personal daily searching and outbound messaging.

All candidate responses come directly back to you!

On some days Gloria can switch from Clone to Assistant/Sourcer. She can contact HOT candidates on your behalf, screen, set up on your calendar and Make Sure they Show Up for interviews with you or with hiring managers.

You and Gloria would use Zoom or Teams to see and talk to each other same as if she worked at a desk next to you.

This idea can help you as a USA recruiter to literally double your daily candidate sourcing work and squeeze 2 and 3 times more work from the various candidate sourcing tools that you pay for.

Idea for Corporate Recruiting: If a VP of sales sends LinkedIn invites to build 1st level connections with possible future candidates to hire, or sends INmails, the candidates may be more likely to respond to the VP of Sales than a recruiter.

An idea could be using a Remote/Lower Cost Sourcer/CLONE to remotely log into executive LinkedIn pages and build and work the LinkedIn connections for the executives. Basically, this is helping executives do better at recruiting and hiring their own people through LinkedIn connections where the Dominican assistant does all of this work for the executives. This idea can be applied many different ways.

3 - Full Recruiting:  I will be blunt, when RPOs claim to have fully trained recruiters who can hit the ground running, that is a full out lie. It is impossible for any company to have experienced recruiters sitting around with nothing to do who are fully trained at recruiting for your company and can be pulled off the bench and quickly hired to start work with your company.

A more honest scenario is if you start a person as a candidate sourcer, clone or recruiting assistant they can be productive sourcing candidates while also being trained to the full recruiter level over 6 months to 1 year and to work and recruit Your Way.

Your Dominican staff can be just as good as anyone you would hire in the USA to train as a recruiter.

However, the cost ratio could be 3 to 4 Dominican based recruiters for the cost of 1 recruiter in the mainland USA.

Hiring a recruiter trainee and grooming them to work and recruit your way is a much smarter long term strategy then renting remote/low cost recruiting staff from offshore RPOs.

4 - Onboarding, payroll, etc.  Some of the companies we work with hired people through us in the DR who work as support staff such as new hire onboarding, payrolling of temps and contractors, etc.

5 - Sales Support: Most sales people are torn between time spent cold calling, going on appointments & networking with the time consuming prospecting work. Examples are searching LinkedIn to find specific people to target, the companies they work for, figure out company email formats, build prospecting lists, send emails, build and FARM LinkedIn connections and document activity notes in your company system.

A Dominican team member can be trained as a sales assistant and handle all of this time consuming work for 1 to 3 sales people. This idea frees the sales people to spend more time actually selling! And, the lower cost of a Dominican/Remote based assistant could enable your company to afford getting the help your sales people need.

6 - Customer & Technical Support: If your company has a phone/computer based customer & tech support department we encourage you to share this with the department leaders. Most of the people we hire in the DR have worked with American call centers as customer & technical support agents. Our core business is cross-training them over to recruiting. However, it would be easy for your company to use these people as customer & technical support staff, remote from the DR for the lower cost.

And, bilingual English & Spanish.